Thursday, March 5, 2009

Singapore Sunny Sky

These photos were taken last December 22, 2008 (Singapore). I woke up at around 8:30AM and I saw the sky. It reminded me of bean curd...or taho. As usual, I didn't have my digicam with me so I just grabbed my hand phone..

My first post for Skywatch Friday....


  1. I love your skies! We frequently have clouds like this in Seattle and I always love getting photos of them. Thanks for sharing! Happy SWF!

  2. We rare;y get these skies, especially with the hole of light in. Fabulous.

  3. Great photos, the clouds are amazing!

  4. I love the way it looks like a hole in the sky, thank you for stopping by my blog, come back anytime!

  5. I love the way it looks like there is a hole in the sky, thank you for coming by my blog, come back anytime.

  6. breathtaking photos! especially the last one. love it!

  7. I like this sky, and definitely not bad with a phone camera! Welcome to SkyWatch!!

  8. What lovely, white clouds! And the last one is exquisite! Thank you for sharing and thank you for stopping by my blog and for your kind comments. I've been a little slow getting around to everyone today, but I'm so glad I didn't miss yours! Happy SWF! and have a lovely weekend!

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